7 Facts That Proves She's Just Not That Into You!

She's Just Not That Into You!

 I know how many times I have wondered if she feels the same way I do or if I was kidding myself into believing that it was something more than what it was, most times we wish to know straight up to avoid being stuck in a friend zone situation or worse, being led on and having your heart ripped out when you least expect it. So how do you know that it’s real or that there’s the possibility of something more than “just friends”? I’ve put together a list of key behaviors, actions and reactions you should look out for to know when it’s all just fake.
1. She mentions other guys in front of you, talking about how sexy they are, forget her cos she won’t forget about them.
2. Her schedule never seems to fit yours; she is always busy when you are free and always
cooks up excuses not to hang out with you.
3. She refers to you with words such as: friend, bestie, bro, or phrases like; your girlfriend would be so lucky.
4. She gives you advice on love and relationships trust me a girl that is into you would not be giving you tips that you could use to your advantage if she plans to be in a relationship with you even if they would be beneficial to her. Girls like to appear complex and cryptic; they like to keep guys guessing, so if she sits you down for the talk…get the hell out of there!!
5. When in public places her eyes and attention keep darting around. A girl who’s into you would have her eyes and full attention or at least most of it on you.
6. If you have to jump over walls and through rings of fire to get her attention then there’s a high probability that she’s not that into you, in some other instances she may be trying to gauge her worth to you or to play hard to get but most of the time you may just be chasing shadows.
7. She doesn’t try to look her best for you, then she probably thinks you aren’t worth the effort or she sees you as just a friend and therefore doesn’t see the need to impress you
I’m not saying the above list is full proof but more often than not they tend to be true, so if you identify any of the above in your relationship with a female…I’m so sorry but she’s just not that into you. The best advice I can give is to move on and find someone who feels the same way you do!

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