10 Tell-tale Signs You Should End It With Her


When you started dating it seemed like you had found your soul mate, her laugh, petite stature, and the way her dimples sunk when she giggled, but all that has worn off now. Is her recent behavior is making you consider calling things quits?
Here are some signs that you definitely should.
1. Infidelity: Cheating is the cause of many break-ups but sometimes some couples forgive and move on. If she cheats twice, end it. This isn’t a three strikes you’re out. Cheat on him once, shame on you, cheat on him twice, find a new boyfriend.
2. Boredom: You find yourself bored when they talk, you look forward to nights you can be away from her and are uninterested in her welfare, there is no point to try to spice things up, end it.
3. Uncomfortably close with her ex: Yes everyone has an ex, but he should stay there, in the past. If she too chummy with her ex-boyfriend and you find it unnerving, you should probably end things because they might not be totally done.
4. Snooping: If she keeps snooping around your phone, emails, demanding who the girl she saw you with was she does not trust you, so you probably should not remain with her if you have to keep reassuring her of your dedication.
5. Keeps demanding money: You are not her personal banker. If she keeps asking for money and makes you feel bad when you don’t have it, she’s in it only for the size of your wallet. Do you want an actual girlfriend or a money sucking leech?
6. Lack of contact: Communication after all is the key to any healthy relationship, if she does not contact you often enough, not necessarily every day, rethink it. Some excuses for not reaching out are simply lame. You’ll make time for whatever is important.
7. Disrespects you: You have to give respect to get it so If she disrespects your privacy, yells at you in public, disses your family and you treat her with respect and it’s not reciprocated, let her go.
8. Decline in general upkeep: If during the honey moon period she was always looking her best and now she slacks in upkeep and hygiene, leave her, being a slob will never be cool.
9. Withholding sex: Sex is a deal breaker for a lot of couples, so if the quality of sex declines or she starts withholding sex for no reason, dump her and get laid somewhere else.
10. Decision making: If she on more than one occasion makes decisions that will affect both of you without consulting you, it shows she doesn’t regard your input and is selfish, so on to the next one.

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